TAP Chairman Gustavo Pupo-Mayo, ANATEL Commissioner Artur Coimbra;
TAP Government Relations Director Vanessa Perez
Miami, FL, April 3rd. TAP co-sponsored the LAAPIP Intellectual Property Summit, which brought together industry leaders and regulators from Latin America to discuss current trends in intellectual property creation and protection.
Presenting authorities included ANATEL’s Artur Coimbra from Brazil, URSEC’s Gustavo Delgado from Uruguay, SENADI’s Sujey Torres from Ecuador, and INDECOPI’s Fausto Vienrich from Peru. The regulators discussed different strategies for defending IP, highlighting the importance of public-private cooperation.
TAP Board member Sally Ng of NBC Universal spoke to the complexity of the production value chain and the need to protect the thousands of jobs that depend on it by defending Intellectual Property through sound policy and persistent enforcement.